
This page is intended to provide the reader an insight into the functionality of a perpetually whimsical mind.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Oooh... I'm scared - Movie Review

I watched the first part in bits and pieces. Then I watched the second part. I still fail to see what's so scary about either of these movies. Sure, there were moments when I almost felt like screaming like a little girl, but... no seriously, the only time I felt like doing that was when Naomi Watts' makeup gets washed away while giving her extremely peculiar looking child a shower in the bathtub. As far as the evil girl Samara is concerned, I thought she wasn't all that scary looking. In comparison to Rachel's child Aidan, who I might add has a striking resemblance to Frankenstein, Samara looked relatively harmless.

Here's a picture of the scary kid. No, it's not Samara, it's Aidan.

I give this movie a 2/5, since the reason I went to the theater was to get frightened, but ended up laughing every time I saw that weird kid on the screen. Boo! (No, I'm not trying to scare you, I'm showing my disparagement for the movie)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, that kid makes me laugh.