
This page is intended to provide the reader an insight into the functionality of a perpetually whimsical mind.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Shahi Place launches sister site!

RaY-ZoR's Cricket Commentaries

Hello everyone! Last night I was really bored and I decided to create a new blog dedicated simply to cricket, my favourite sport! You can now find all the information, news updates and my very own articles based on the evolving world of cricket! Please visit:

RaY-ZoR's Cricket Commentaries


Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Awesomely awesome! :<)

Kashmiri said...

quality ma man!

keep it up

Maria I said...

Oh here we go -- another cricket maniac! (and I mean .. it's a good thing -- you sure do represent a true pakistanis) but yea, I was gonna ask you about that balla that you posted here, and then moved *chuckles*.
A nice way to show your devotion for cricket!
abay de aik chhakka aur!