
This page is intended to provide the reader an insight into the functionality of a perpetually whimsical mind.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Muslim Comedians Galore

Muslim Comedians (Pictured left-to-right):
Preacher Moss, Azeem and Azhar Usman

After reading up a little bit about Shazia's talent for humor, I thought it would be appropriate to bring to everyone's attention, three extremely talented and humorous American Muslim comedians: Azhar Usman, Preacher Moss and Azeem. For stereotypical desi humor, Azhar Usman does a fairly good job at imitating Desi aunties and uncles. On the other hand, Preacher Moss and Azeem are naturally talented stand-up comedians who use the African-American culture within the light of Islam to produce some of the most hilarious scripts ever. You can watch these three perform back-to-back at a Muslim comedy stand-up show called "Allah Made Me Funny". The show is available here:

"Allah made Me Funny"

For more information, please visit their personal Websites:

Azhar Usman


Preacher Moss


Abrar said...

Hey Razor, I think you misunderstood Kumar's comments! He is a very nice guy and was being quite funny with his comments. He meant to say that USA has pirated India's Foreign Policy of blaming Pakistan!! He was being satirical about that!!

Check my blog for more comments!!

kumarldh said...

hey wat about umar sharif, he is not here.

2 hours cookbook said...

i don really watch the english comedians as i love jap nice to see...was hilarious!!
...n i have heard about shazia didnt saw her though..

Hasan Mubarak said...

Still unable to check out the link. But, it surely seems to be interesting to watch these guys..

Jammu said...

This stuff is great! Keep it up!