
This page is intended to provide the reader an insight into the functionality of a perpetually whimsical mind.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Article in the Daily 49er

Hello folks, my article was published in the Daily 49er University newspaper. Please take a moment to read it. Thank you!

The State of Muslims Today

A religion should not be judged by its followers, but by its preaching and its values. In today’s world, people believe Islam preaches violence, intolerance and hatred towards people of other beliefs. I am going to endeavor to rebut their misconceptions through a historical journey of the Islamic empire.

The word Islam has its roots in the word "Salam", which means peace. Once again, a population of 1 Billion plus people can not be bundled up under the title of terrorism, judging by the acts of a small number of people. In order to understand the violent nature of certain Muslims, one must rationally approach the reasoning behind their reactions. One must understand what it is that has separated the so-called "Islamic Nations" from each other, despite the fact that Islam emphasizes heavily on unity.

When Muhammad (PBUH) passed away, the Islamic empire, which was at that point mostly centered around Arabia, began to fall apart. It was the power of his message that kept the Arab tribes together, who for generations associated their religious beliefs with Idols.

At one point after the Prophet's death, the Islamic Empire stretched from Jerusalem to as far as the borders of China, and from the shores of the Iberian Peninsula, down to Egypt. Some of the greatest scientific achievements were made by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars who resided within this very empire. In fact, the Jews achieved their golden era within these very lands. The Jews and Muslims have always had an unannounced friendship, but it has only been in recent times that this bond has been severed, and that too by malignant political propaganda.

The famous explorer Avicenna was actually Muslim, and his name is Ibn Sina. Muslim explorers had landed in America about 500 years before Columbus set his foot on the "New land". The world "Algorithm" is a latinized form of an Islamic scholar named Al-Khawarizmi, from the city of Khawarizm. Algebra is a latinized form of the word: "Al-Kitab Al-Muhtasar fi hisab Al-Gabr wal-Muqabala". The title translates to "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion (Reduction, in other translations) and Balancing". He is also responsible for either inventing the zero, or bringing out the importance of it to the known world by working on Indian and Hebrew mathematics.

In addition, the father of Chemistry, Gerber was actually Jaber Ibn-Hayyan, who studied between 5 - 7 different fields of study, and propagated the fundamentals of alchemy, pharmacy, philosophy, astronomy and physics to a new level, along with important inventions and discoveries.

The Islamic world was home to some of the greatest philosphers of all time, who studied Greek philosophy in great detail, and advanced it further, always giving the author its credit, something that has not been the case when it comes to Muslims being given the credit for their contributions to the world today. Famous Islamic philosphers include: Ibn Rush (Averroes), Al-Farabi, AlGazel (Al-Ghazali), Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Ibn Arabi, and the list goes on.

One thing that was common to these individuals was that they held their religion in high regard, and always relied to God to guide them. They never crossed the boundaries of morality or religion, and stuck to their paths.

All this, of course, was abolished, and burnt to the ground with the invasion of the Christian crusaders that was sanctioned by the Papacy itself! The Christians were hell-bent on capturing the Hold Land of Jerusalem through a military venture against the Jews and the Muslims in that region. In addition, the hordes of Gengis Khan, which were proceeded further by his grandson, Hulagu khan, who exterminated entire dynasties, states and caliphites. His armies raped, pillaged, and incinerated libraries, places of worship and academic structures to the ground without a shred of mercy.

The greatest capital of culture, literacy, arts, philosophy, etc was obliterated by Hulagu Khan, and later, his people converted to the very same religion whose empire they collapsed.

From that point on the Christian crusaders conquered Islamic lands, followed by the emergence of the colonialists who further carved up the Muslim lands in to different states, which later gained independence, only to be recognized as autonomous nations. This systematic division and the elimination of a glorious empire is what has angered today's scholars and preachers, some of who are not entirely educated in religion itself to comprehend the true message of Islam. The golden era of literacy, discoveries, inventions, and progression was forever halted by the sword of the Mongols and the Christians.

These so-called preachers systematically select portions of the Qur'an that deal with war and defense of one's lands and use them to create a message of death and destruction through aggression, which is tantamount to the message delivered by the Papacy during the Christian crusades. Using the common logic that Islam preaches violence, it can be said that Christianity is a religion of hatred, intolerance and militancy because it was the invasion of the crusades and the bloody Spanish inquisition that is responsible for the state of the Muslims today; and in fact also in a profound way responsible for their violent attitudes today.

Such hasty generalizations and faltered logic are the reason behind today’s misinterpretation of Islam and its message. This generalization of a population of nearly a sixth of the entire world is fundamentally erroneous, and should be abandoned. Unfortunately, the golden ages of education and literacy never blossomed again after the European renaissance of arts, science and culture, which was preceded by the Dark Ages of Europe. It was an era of ignorance, hatred, intolerance, and violence, which seems to have besieged the mentality of many people today.

The Daily 49er link


Abrar said...


good to see you active. I wrote similar things on PM too!! Happy to see another brother in action!! LOL!!

Btw, there is this other site I came across... Its a Pakistani based Online Magazine. They have invited me to write about few issues.

Once I get few articles there, I will forward your blog to them and maybe you can post articles there as well!!!!

I will keep you posted once I get myself published there!!

Anonymous said...

Ray, you should start a collaboration with your friends to write about news, start an online magazine of some sort, I say online, because it's fast and easy to distribute. You're probably asking, how will it be different from other "news" site? It won't be news per say, it will be opinions of REAL people from different countries about the news, and world's problems. Take the journalism to the next level...

Start something/anything, man... this EE shit (LOL) ain't worth it, just my humble opinion. From all the years I've known you, I can say that you're more interested in journalism than EE.

Asad Raza said...

Thanks for your comments Nupur. I do have something of that in mind for the future. All this is the preliminary stage... sort of like an act to gain some confidence and some recognition. Perhaps one day we will get to work together on this project ;).

Hasan Mubarak said...

That is so cool!

Congrats RayZor

Hasan Mubarak said...

That is so cool!

Congrats RayZor

Raheel Lakhani said...

Very nicely written dude!!

Jo mainu likhne ka hota hai woh tainu pehle likh dende ho.. sorry for the wrong punjabi =P

Sam!! said...

Really impressive.

Gud job:)

Keep on doing ur gud work.



Anonymous said...

Nice article. Well said and well written. Congratulations!
