
This page is intended to provide the reader an insight into the functionality of a perpetually whimsical mind.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Scientists generate 3.6 Billion degrees on earth

The Z-Machine is immersed in a solution of
oil and water.

Image Source:

That is true, folks! Scientists at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico have generated 3.6 Billion (Yes, Billion) degrees contained inside a device called a "Z machine". The temperature of the core of the sun is about 15 million degrees, and the temperature generated from a thermonuclear explosion is about 500 million degrees. Read on...


Abrar said...

hey, did u get the email i sent you?

Anonymous said...

Now that's a cool blog! Articles about science, computers and much more! I just can say I feel sorry for those who block it just because it's pakistani!
Keep blogging! (: