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Monday, August 08, 2005

Kissing the heavens - News

An artist's impression
of the Burj Tower
Image Source: BBC

The recent rivalry between some of the biggest contracting companies to erect the tallest building in the world has finally reached it's zenith - literally. United Arab Emirates' largest and most successful construction enterprise, Emaar, has dug down 50 meters deep under the land surface to lay down the foundation that will support this massive structure of steel and concrete. The company has not officially announced how tall the skyscraper will be once it is constructed, but it is expected to stand over a staggering 600 meters tall, taller than the longest standing building in the world - Taiwan's "Taipei 101 which stands at a breathtaking 509 meters high.

The building moves up in a spiraling manner and resembles an arrow pointing upwards, halfway from the bottom. The "Burj Arab" or the "Burj Tower" will cost approximately $900 million in it's construction. Sheikh Muhammad al-Maktoum says: "I like a challenge. If I see something impossible, I want to make it possible." An over-ambitious, yet seemingly achievable vision of the Sheikh is surely and steadily materializing.

Click here for more information.

1 comment:

Asad Raza said...

Man has always wanted to construct the tallest structure in the world. Just like the Babylonians wanted to build a tower so tall that it would reach the heavens, the colossus of Rhodes, the lighthouse of Alexandria, etc etc. I believe a monumental structure symbolizes a power and wealth.