
This page is intended to provide the reader an insight into the functionality of a perpetually whimsical mind.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pakistani Women - Talking Point

One of the forums that I visit frequently had a thread where people were discussing about whether Pakistani women could ever participate in an episode of 'Fear Factor'. Most of the guys talked about how Pakistani women are scared and incompetent and how they would never be able to stand up to the challenge. As someone who admires the hard working Pakistani women, I had to stand up against these false accusations. I'm putting it up here so that other people can get a chance to read it too.

"Man... some of the people here are turning this post in to an anti-female thread. That's not cool. Pakistani girls are not dumb and they're not flirts. On the contrary, Pakistani girls are not only intelligent but most importantly, conservative and feminine, unlike girls from other nations. Our girls are beautiful mashallah, smart, have the craving for education (although some Pakistani men are opposed to the idea of allowing women to progress, afraid that they may overtake men) and highly progressive. I am opposed to the idea of displaying half-naked women on television, but as far as educating them and allowing them out in to the real world is concerned, I believe they should have an equal opportunity. Pakistani girls have been brought up by backward thinking men who never allow their girls to fully develop their talents. Fear factor is a stupid show. Have you guys ever watched it carefully and realized what in the world they're showing to the rest of the world?

They're showing people swallowing the most degenerate insects, worms, animal genitals and God knows what else. Women are forced in to wearing skimpy shorts and tank tops so that their bodies are wholesomely displayed for those perverted and desperate guys who watch the show for the ladies and not the stunts. A Pakistani woman would never disgrace herself by displaying her body in front of millions of people or gulp down a repulsive 'smoothie' composed of insects and maggots. Pakistani women have integrity, grace and loving hearts. Even if their husbands or fathers were indifferent to what they did in their personal lives, they would never lower themselves down to the level of the females that participate in Fear Factor. I personally believe this show simply aids in decreasing one's intellectual capacity and is nothing more than just another jazzy show that helps reduce the somberness in the lives of an average, working class American who wants to kill time from when he steps in to his apartment till when he goes to bed. Sorry, but I had to speak my heart out."


SR said...

above everything, pakistani females are cultured and have self respect.. well most of them anyway.. but there are still some who are adventurous enough to try out "weird" things.. but as a whole, they are above the american women, thats for sure.

great post!

Asad Raza said...

Yep. Thanks for adding that. Instead of competing with men and trying to be like them, Pakistani women accept the fact that they are women and different in certain ways and that they don't have to wear a pair of dirty jeans and shirt in order to be recognized as equals. Of course, there are always exceptions but on the whole, thankfully, most Pakistani women have a high self-esteem.

Asad Raza said...

Well my friend, here's what I believe. I personally would disagree with my sister or wife or even girl friend going on fear factor or any other television show where women are made icons of sexuality. I am against degredation of womens' integrity whether it is on television or in real life. As I mentioned before, fear factor is not the kind of show that I would sit down specially and watch. It is repulsive, berating to women and most of all, utterly repulsive. If a female from my family member would want to go to Fear factor, I would severely oppose it. Of course, I can't control their actions, but like I said, I would show vocal opposition to it, but not force them against their will.